Video: Darryl Ahye

Photo Credit: unknown


Darryl Ahye collaborates with choreographic residents ENQUIST + ENQUIST in this BLOOM. He frequently collaborates on videography with MascallDance.

Darryl holds a degree in Film and Video Production from both the Vancouver Film School and the International Academy of Design and Technology. He is committed to continuous learning and growth, understanding that filmmaking requires a delicate balance of skill, intuition, and creativity.

Throughout his career, Darryl has collaborated with a variety of organizations and independent artists, refining his craft and perfecting his technique. 

Darryl is presently immersed in projects that reflect his abiding passion for wellness, personal development, and creative expression. With each new project, he infuses his work with a unique blend of imagination, technical expertise, and heart, striving to push the boundaries of what's possible and create work that resonates deeply with viewers.

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